Assorted Arts and Crafts, 4.21
A quick highlight reel of the last few month’s creative explorations…

New Mosaics, 1.21
…I started the next phase in the Yarden project. That included a small retaining wall above the sprinkler box and a full run of…

Yarden, 9.20
This multi-part series documents our backyard “Yarden” project(s) for our own interest and hopefully yours as well!

B.B.B.B. and Family Camping, 7.20
Our initial summer plans were derailed due to the ‘rona so we came up with a nice vacation plan for a mix of exploration days and zero mile days. We ventured up…

Beautiful Fragments II, 6.20
A bit more than ten years ago I discovered a unique lens in the Canon lineup, the MP-E 65. This lens offers a 1-5X magnification on a full-frame camera. You can get “TINY BIG”…

Blursday Continued, 5.20
…weeks into work from home due to the ‘rona and days are definitely running together. Sad to have missed prime desert camping season, but we’re doing ok other than being a bit stir-crazy. Work has changed quite a bit, its busy and we have adapted much of our workflow and…

Catching Up, 3.20
Writing this from a sunny Saturday in Southern California where the freeways are wide open and everything is basically shut down due…

Toy Photographers, 01.20
I’ve started doing some writing over on ToyPhotographers.com, come along and play…

Alabama Hills Recharge, 10.19
The Alabama Hills is located at the of Mt. Whitney, near the town of Lone Pine along Highway 395 and offers spectacular views and great dispersed camping. The area is made up of decomposing granite in all of the warm colors you can imagine and then backed up by My. Whitney’s white-blue rock. Its a favorite…

Salton Sea, 10.19
Beth and I ventured out to the Salton Sea area yesterday. I’ve driven by the Salton Sea along the highway, and have spent time out at Truckhaven and in the Anza Borrego area, but had never really wandered around the…

CO Vacationmoon, 07.19
For our Vacation / Honeymoon - AKA “Vacationmoon” we packed a couple extra days into our trip to Colorado and took in some sights new to both of us, some new to me, and some new to Beth.

Range Master Pouches, 07.19
Camping and overlanding often means you’re moving gear in and out of the truck. Set up camp, coffee, cook, campfire, etc. Keeping things organized and in their place…

Dried Flower Press, 06.19
Another little decor project to match our photo wall and a flower press for our upcoming trip to CO.

Photo Wall, 05.19
We make it a point to take ‘ussies’ when we’re out and about and have a stack of prints that is always growing. Rather than just keep them in a box we wanted a fun photo/memory wall. Pinterest provided a range of ideas and I took inspiration from here and there then set about…

Mojave Road, 12.18
For our last trip of the year we embarked on a trek along the historic Mojave Road with a group of three other 200 Series Land Cruiser couples. The Mojave Road is one of the earliest routes in the west. Huge horizons and immense expanses…

Overland Art, 12.18
I started working with a tablet app called Procreate after seeing a buddy at the office (@wafflegripper) do some drawing on his iPad. Its been a…

Eurithus System Thundersuit MOC, 11.18
Aboard space station Exchelsor 4, the crew prepares the Thundersuit (Mk IV, variant F) for its drop onto the tropic surface of the Eurithus System’s second largest planet, Sūūdveldt…

Mineral Creek Mistake, 08.18
We were on the second day of an annual Land Cruiser meet, the 200 Series Land Cruiser Destination Club (#200LCDC). In its 4th year, the 200LCDC brings 200 Series Owners together in destination locations with great trails, cool towns and amazing…

UTCO Vacation, 07.18
If you followed last year's vacation post you'll recall that we met up with a group of fellow Land Cruiser owners in Breckenridge, this year marks the 4th Annual 200 Series Land Cruiser Destination Club (#200LCDC) and was held in Telluride, CO. On our way to CO, we spent a few days wandering…

Fluid & Flower Studies, 03.18
Continuing on from some previous work, here's another batch of what I'm calling fluidstuies. This time with flowers added into the mix. Here's a few highlights and there are about 30 images from this weekend in the...