B.B.B.B. and Family Camping, 7.20
Bishop, Buttermilks, Bodie, Bristlecones and Family Camping
Our initial summer plans were derailed due to the ‘rona so we came up with a nice vacation plan for a mix of exploration days and zero mile days camping with my parents.
With a short list of possible destinations and 4x4 maps downloaded on the iPad for Gaia we headed up to Bishop and stayed at the Vagabond Inn. It was a good choice for us within our criteria, most importantly being dog friendly. On the drive up we spent a couple hours visiting my old friends Ben and Denise Jones, it was great to see them and let our pup play with theirs, which provided great entertainment.
After we arrived in Bishop and checked in, we did the Buttermilks loop. This starts with a mild but washboard dirt drive up the first slopes and eventually meanders through creeks, aspen groves and big views. At about the half-way point it got a bit rocky to the point where a normal car wouldn’t go. We hope the little Dodge crossover we passed lower down the road wasn’t going to try the full loop ;).
We had clear skies and mild temps through the afternoon and headed back to town for some great BBQ from Holy Smoke there along the 395. Very good eats.
Beth had never been to Bodie so it was definitely on our must-see list. We arrived as the gate opened up and enjoyed a couple hours of wandering around before the main wave of visitors hit and before it started to get too warm. Gabby enjoyed the wander but gets hot pretty easily, so we took our time and enjoyed finding shade along the way. Both Beth and Gabby got a kick out of the herd of cattle wandering through the old ghost town.
After a picnic lunch, we explored a two-track that looked like it went up to a view. We meandered along the path and were rewarded with a great overlook of the Mono Basin with the town and Mono Lake nestled in. We took the 4x4 route back to 395 and then detoured through Mammoth Mountain to say hello to my boss and her husband at Shelter Distilling for a snack and cocktail.
Day three of vacation we got a relatively early start and took the back way out of town via a 4x4 road up to the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest. From Bodie’s approximately 4000’ elevation to 11,000’ in about 15 miles. Long and steep with great views all the way up.
We took a left and ventured out to the Patriarch Grove and saw the world’s largest Bristlecone Pine as well as dynamic views of the dolomite mountains covered with these old trees. In the afternoon we backtracked and visited the Schulman Grove where the oldest Bristlecone tree is, some 4800 years old. Some quick grocery shopping and gas back in Bishop and we wrapped the day with more BBQ goodness.
Vast views of the Bishop area from near 11,000’ elevation.
Time to go Camping
My parents have been campground hosts since their retirement. Due to the ‘rona their normal USFS site isn’t open, so they were able to step in and host at the Dardanelles Campground which had just recently reopened. The Dardanelles is an established old camp community that was virtually burned out in the 2018 Donnell Fire. The resort owners are digging their way out of the ash and through the bureaucracy of trying to rebuild. While much of the landscape was scorched, the wildflowers were abundant even this late in the season.
We had a great time visiting with my folks and sister. I did a bit of art, some Lego photos, Gabby achieved new levels of pigpen status and Beth enjoyed visiting with my parents and the opportunity to sleep in. (Camper’s pro tip - buy good cots and mattresses - we sleep better camping than at home most of the time.)
Have Dog, Will Adventure
Our French Bulldog Gabby (now about 9 months old) did great throughout the trip. Spent the trip filthy to the core and either amped up beyond excitement or absolutely crashed out. Hotel no-problem, belly-crawling through the dirt and ash no-problem, camping out in her travel kennel no-problem, playing in the stream no-problem, long-drives no-problem but not a favorite… We’re glad we started her in the car and on off-road trips from the beginning. When it gets bumpy she lays down, when we hit any speed at all on a smooth road she’s zonked out.
And, of course, there were a few LEGO along for the ride…
Our last day we were packing up around 7 and on the road by 9, with potty stops along the way for all three of us we were home a bit before 7 that evening and then back to work the next day. Thanks for reading and we hope to see you out on the trail or online!