Blursday Continued, 5.20
Well, eight-ish weeks into work from home due to the ‘rona and days are definitely running together. Sad to have missed prime desert camping season, but we’re doing ok other than being a bit stir-crazy. Work has changed quite a bit, its busy and we have adapted much of our workflow and process to everyone being out of the office. I’m shooting more situational/loadout photos than normal and that’s been a welcome challenge - although my home DIY studio supports aren’t quite up to par with what I’ve built up in the studio at work. This example shot worked out just fine, and the old garage floor adds some grit.
Right as all this started I pulled the trigger on ordering some patches for a project I’ve had on the backburner since last winter and we put several evenings of our time to work into the packaging and building a new website for it and now promoting online and selling at We’ve started with four patch designs and as we make forward progress will do a second wave of characters and possible pins, so wish us luck!
Kettle Ken, Mr. Green, Little Steve and Good Morning patches.
We made a quick day trip up to the mountains for some photos and Gabby got to experience snow for the first time. It was delicious.
I had the inspiration to do a new dimensional watercolor piece inspired by some Airstream Trailer dreams. This work gave me a few new ideas along the way, so there may be more sometime in the future.
Another fun break from the new norm was also a social-distancing collaboration with our 5 year old niece for
And to wrap up this post, last weekend we were able to venture out near the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve. While the park itself was closed, and there were many people simply parked on the side of the road (and some ON the road), we had prepared with maps and were able to explore a bunch of dirt roads. Ultimately we ventured up to the top of a bluff where it was VERY windy but had great views, and even better, there were no other people around. It felt great to be out.
That’s all for now…