Blursday Continued, 5.20
…weeks into work from home due to the ‘rona and days are definitely running together. Sad to have missed prime desert camping season, but we’re doing ok other than being a bit stir-crazy. Work has changed quite a bit, its busy and we have adapted much of our workflow and…

Salton Sea, 10.19
Beth and I ventured out to the Salton Sea area yesterday. I’ve driven by the Salton Sea along the highway, and have spent time out at Truckhaven and in the Anza Borrego area, but had never really wandered around the…

Caesin Painting Explorations, 9.17
Just a quick post with some recent Caesin painting explorations. Really digging this medium so here's a few pics of some recent work.

Casein and Gouache, 06.16
Had the opportunity to do a bit of painting while on vacation visiting my folks so experimented with Caesin (a new medium to me) as well as some Gouache. Caesin is a water based milk protein based paint, is quick drying as well as maintains a bit of a body when its dry. Gouache is also...

Anza Geo, 05.16
I’ve been feeling the need to create some original artwork as something of a creative outlet lately so decided to take on a full-sheet (30″ x 22″) watercolor project. Its been years since I’ve worked this scale in watercolor. I had experimented with some smaller geometric watercolors and knew that I wanted to take this bigger. So, here we go…

Winter Watercolors, 2014
I was rummaging through the art closet this week and ran across a number of watercolors that I did in late fall and early winter 2014 and realized...

Goldwell Residency, 10.09
I applied in mid 2009 and was granted a two week stay (they prefer a four week residency but that wasn’t possible for me). I loaded up my ride (then a Subaru Outback XT) and headed out through Death Valley to Rhyolite. As part of the residency...