Thundersuit Assault MOC, 02.18
...Back in January we went to check out Bricks LA, a Southern California Lego fan's utopia. I totally got bit by the MOC bug. In LegoLanguage a MOC is "My Own Creation" and something built from imagination and exploration. The Bricks LA event was fun for all ages and as an...

Fluid Studies, 01.18
...to make it a project and dig deeper, so purchased a quality clear fish tank and commercial grade food coloring, a few other supplies and began experimenting...

Quick Winter Getaway, 12.17
For the first time in years I took the week between Christmas and New Years off. It was time to get a few nights of camping in, ultimately ending up in Vegas to attend a wedding with Beth. Christmas Day I had everything loaded and ready, so the next morning I was on the road about 6AM.

Fluid and Flowers photo exploration, 12.17
Took a bit of time to experiment for fun's sake with water, flowers, bubbles and food coloring, enjoy.

Caesin Painting Explorations, 9.17
Just a quick post with some recent Caesin painting explorations. Really digging this medium so here's a few pics of some recent work.

UTCO Vacation, Landscape Photos, 08.17
I wanted to share some of my favorite "real" shots from our trip in one final post. These are pushed to some degree for color and clarity. We were blessed with great skies for nearly the whole trip and only a bit of rain and a touch of hail.

UTCO Vacation, 08.17
...Whenever I get to drive through southern Utah there are two must-dos along the way. The scenic highway 12 and Goblin Valley. As we made our way towards that direction from here in SoCal, we stopped along the way in Vegas for lunch and a walk-through of the Bellagio to stretch our legs before stopping at our destination for the day in St. George. We wandered the town a bit...

Zucchini Lasagna, 08.17
...this version of Zucchini Lasagna has become a favorite. A cheesy, zesty, tomatoey favorite...

Behind the Scenes Boots, 07.17
We moved our work studio recently (its our 4th or 5th move) and I realized I hadn't done many (if any really) behind the scenes pics in our last space so when I needed to shoot a stylized boot collection for one of our dealers I saved a sequence along the way. I won't bore with too much technical detail and instead just dive into some pics...

Trona Pinnacles Field Report, 03.17
This March, approximately 200 people gathered south of Searles Valley in southern California at a unique spot named as Trona Pinnacles for a weekend of camping, campfires, some off-road training and unofficial...

Fredbricksburg First Visit, 04.17
When I travel I pack a few minifigs and vehicles, and occasionally making day trips just to capture new shots. Lately it went into full blown addiction with the purchase of a few of their Creator buildings...

Catching Wildflowers, 03.17
Southern California deserts saw substantial rain this year and the wildflowers are exploding out there. I was keeping an eye on the wildflower reports and this Saturday...

Little Green Chuckbox, 12.16
Going from a truck to a SUV made me rework my camping gear, and that included making a smaller Chuckbox (camp kitchen). I had also changed stoves from a larger Coleman to a smaller Cook Partner steel stove, so my old Yellow Chuckbox was a bit big and...

Gargoyles in Finland, 11.16
Three hours (or so) outside of Las Vegas is a place with some real magic that’s known as Little Finland. Its a small spectacular landscape feature found on BLM land and accessed via...

Four Corners Roadtrip, 08.16
I began planning for a long vacation (two weeks) earlier in the year. It had been six years since taking that much time off. I began looking at a big route through the Four Corners Area (UT, CO, NM, AZ) back in the beginning of the year...

Beaded Hatband, 08.16
I always find inspiration when I get out of town and have the time to see things and explore, and the Southwest is one of my favorite places to find this inspiration. On my recent vacation, I loved looking at the Native American vendor’s beadwork but my brain would always say “Lets do that.”, so rather than buying a piece I ended up buying the stuff to make it...

200 Series Destination Club - Ouray, CO, 08.16
Earlier this year I traded in my Tundra for a low-mileage 2014 200 Series Land Cruiser, which lead to a complete resorting of my camping equipment. Coinciding with a long vacation a group organized on iH8Mud.com was organizing their second annual 200 Series meet in Ouray, CO. The timing was perfect so...

Casein and Gouache, 06.16
Had the opportunity to do a bit of painting while on vacation visiting my folks so experimented with Caesin (a new medium to me) as well as some Gouache. Caesin is a water based milk protein based paint, is quick drying as well as maintains a bit of a body when its dry. Gouache is also...

Anza Geo, 05.16
I’ve been feeling the need to create some original artwork as something of a creative outlet lately so decided to take on a full-sheet (30″ x 22″) watercolor project. Its been years since I’ve worked this scale in watercolor. I had experimented with some smaller geometric watercolors and knew that I wanted to take this bigger. So, here we go…

Anza Borrego Surprise, 05.16
On a whim I decided to spend the weekend out exploring Anza-Borrego State Park. I’d never spent any time there so I really looked forward to exploring and taking some pics. I know my Great Grandparents spent time camping and rock hounding out there, so its been on my bucket list...