Anza Borrego Surprise, 05.16
On a whim I decided to spend the weekend out exploring Anza-Borrego State Park. I’d never spent any time there so I really looked forward to exploring and taking some pics. I know my Great Grandparents spent time camping and rock hounding out there, so its been on my bucket list so I knew it would be a good escape from the OC.
I took off early on Saturday and drove straight to the overlook. It was mid-day so I knew I would come back in the morning for sunrise.
Then I began looking for the sculptures I had heard about and was really surprised by the assortment, it really made it a fun day wandering around in the 100º heat. Rather than talk any more about them, how about a few pics…
After exploring all of the sculptures I could find I headed to the hotel, ordered room service and some adult beverages and then enjoyed the treat of some lousy tv programming ;).
Next morning was up and out of the room before 5AM to catch sunrise at the badlands overlook…
I arrived at the spot well before sunrise and set up ready to capture… See that haze to the right, that’s the “W” word coming for me.
As the sun began to crest, the “W” showed up in force. It grew with the rising sun, enough that I had to hold the camera in place. That edge there is “THE” edge… So, while I didn’t get quite the shot I had imagined, I got these…
So I suppose I’ll keep them. 😉
It was a great quick escape, despite the warm temps and “W”. I look forward to another trip later this year and plan on camping out in a milder temperature.
Just a little bit of wind mind you...