RavenBot Workshop : Carvings from Q2, 2023

New carvings from Q2 of 2023, including carvings from attending the Rocky Mountain Carvers Roundup. Presented in reverse chronological order. Some may be available on my Etsy Shop.

#175, Hand study

23.06 Saw this in an older edition of Woodcarving Illustrated and wanted to give it a try.

#174, Smokey the Bear

23.06 Carved for a friend who’s a USFS Firefighter

#173, Isaiah Lindenoggin

23.06 For better or worse, started on some more focused face studies.

#172, Sean Sierratrekker

23.06 This happy hiker was hewn out of a hunk of basswood.

#171, Rufus Cragsworth

23.06 A mountain man head study

#170, Lorne Treeman Emeraldeye

23.05 My first treeman/treespirit carving and largest face yet. Carved from a Weatherbee “Woody” roughout.

#169, Farmer Frank

23.05, Carved for my Dad as a surprise.

#168, Spike’s Private Reserve Rum

23.04, Carved at the Rocky Mountain Roundup with Dwayne Gosnell. This was based on one of his cowboy roughouts.

#167, Abominable Arnold

23.04, This started out as a friendly snowman roughout from Jim Hiser. Carved while attending the Rocky Mountain Carvers Roundup. Possibly inspired ;) by a favorite comic.

#166, Uncle Albert

23.04, Carved at the Rocky Mountain Carvers Roundup with CCA Instructor Ryan Olson. Carved on his “Professor” roughout.

#165, Santa’s Toast

23.04, Carved at the Rocky Mountain Carvers Roundup, based on a santa/gnome roughout from Wayne Laramore and carved with his instruction. “SKOL!”

#164, Charlie Goldtooth, Carnival Barker

23.04, Carved at the Rocky Mountain Carvers Roundup, based on a Dale Green Sammy roughout and carved with Dale’s instruction.

#163, Uncle Samel



2023 Q3 Carvings


2023 Q1 Carvings