Yarden, 9.20
This multi-part series documents our backyard “Yarden” project(s) for our own interest and hopefully yours as well!

Dried Flower Press, 06.19
Another little decor project to match our photo wall and a flower press for our upcoming trip to CO.

Photo Wall, 05.19
We make it a point to take ‘ussies’ when we’re out and about and have a stack of prints that is always growing. Rather than just keep them in a box we wanted a fun photo/memory wall. Pinterest provided a range of ideas and I took inspiration from here and there then set about…

Little Green Chuckbox, 12.16
Going from a truck to a SUV made me rework my camping gear, and that included making a smaller Chuckbox (camp kitchen). I had also changed stoves from a larger Coleman to a smaller Cook Partner steel stove, so my old Yellow Chuckbox was a bit big and...

Beaded Hatband, 08.16
I always find inspiration when I get out of town and have the time to see things and explore, and the Southwest is one of my favorite places to find this inspiration. On my recent vacation, I loved looking at the Native American vendor’s beadwork but my brain would always say “Lets do that.”, so rather than buying a piece I ended up buying the stuff to make it...