Reprocess & Remaster, 11.15
I had the time to reprocess and remaster some of my older shots after migrating out of Aperture and into Lightroom. Shots that at the time I liked a lot, and now (10 or more years later) I still like. Today’s Lightroom (CC 15) offers features and performance that was only imagined. Ansel Adams would be in love with today’s tools. Having said that, I’d like to share a few of those here along with some related thoughts in chronological order.
Antelope Canon, AZ – 2005
This shot was captured in 2005 on a Canon 1D, MK II. Original 2005 export on the left, new Lightroom reprocessed export on the right.
Antelope Canyon is a photographer’s dream and nightmare. AMAZING location if you have a great guide, but don’t fall into the “Chimping” trap. Its an overwhelming place to shoot. I’ve been there three times and have never felt really satisfied with my images. Perhaps next time…
Montana 2005
One of my most favorite shots ever, and one that really started my passion for landscape photography. This shot was captured in 2005 on a Canon 1D, MK II.
Original 2005 export on top, new Lightroom reprocessed export at center and new Lighroom remastered export on the bottom. I was actually trying to make some time and find a motel when this scene opened up. Had to stop and grab a hand-held shot. This would be that much more amazing on today’s 5D Mk III… and tomorrow’s – God forbid – iPhone… 😉
Crop Detail from Montana
Above is a full-size crop from the center of the image. The reprocessed image has better detail and color verses the original image export.
My terminology notes:
Reprocessed means the image was imported into Lightroom and general adjustments were made, nothing done to any specific area of the image.
Remastered means the image was imported into Lightroom, general adjustments were made and then I went into and adjusted specific areas of the image for color, contrast, saturation, etc.
Remastered Edit means I did all of the above and then some specific editing in Photoshop. In the example below I removed some trees on the edge of the horizon that were distracting and had no ‘root’. In the vast majority of my shots I push the color/etc but do no ‘editing’ to the photo’s content. This shot required that, or a significant crop.
Zion NP – 2006, comparison 1
Zion NP – 2006, comparison 2
The above image was captured on my first trip through Southern UT. If you’ve never been, go. There are so many amazing locations and sights all within a relatively close distance. Earlier this year I made my 6th or 7th trip through the area, and there’s still a lifetime of sights to see. GO!
The original image was captured in 2006 on a Canon 5D Mk I, Canon’s first full-size sensor camera. Top left was my original export. Top right is the reprocessed version, bottom left is a remastered version and bottom right is the remastered edit, with the tree branches in the top right removed.
Zion 2006 Alternate
A surprising perk from this undertaking is discovering images you passed over. In retrospect, I prefer this version instead of the original. The mountain is more central, and the sweep of the river draws your eye into the frame.
Yaquina Head, 2008
Captured on a Canon 5K Mk I. Top is the original export, center is the reprocessed and bottom is the remastered version.
I took a multiple day drive all the way up California’s Highway 1 from SF up around the Olympic Peninsula and into Seattle. What a great escape. I stopped at every lighthouse and almost every landmark along the way, including a solid 12 hour drive in the rain (not so fun). At the end the trip I visited the Center For Wooden Boats (future post) and then a former co-worker (long since abducted by aliens) as well as a trip to the infamous Pike’s Market. It was a wonderful wander. After that I did however beat a path home along the I5 (bleh, but 75mph). Anyway, back to the images.
Ohio, 2008
What’s more cheery than an old overgrown cemetery, right? I was out on a work trip (on a press check) and knew there wold be some down time waiting so I did some recon and found an old cemetery nearby. Packed the Canon 5D Mk I and two lenses into my bag and headed out to Ohio.
The top image is the original 2008 export, the middle is the reprocessed version, and the bottom is the remastered version – the most notable change is reducing the distracting highlights in the background.
Well, I think that’s about enough for now, I’ll leave you with one last shot from this decade…